
Showing posts from May, 2009

BizTalk first steps

When you are a developer taking the first steps into the BizTalk realm, you might find these issues that i have encountered usefull to be aware of; [WS Adressing] Using WS Adressing can be realized by the leverage of the WCF (WS)Http adapter. An important thing to remember when using the WCF adapters is to set the SoapParameterStyle to ‘Bare’, this prevents the serialization process to wraps the Message, since this is not expected by the WCF adapter. [Bindings] Port configuration is lost during deploy When the binding configuration is not maintained during redeploy (eg. the ports are reset to a different pipeline) there is a chance that is caused by an old binding file. \Documents and Settings\\Application Data\Microsoft\BizTalk Server\Deployment Problem: Orchestration version is different so bindings are lost binding files contain all the bindings, back up these frequently [Comparision of Biztalk 2004 vs 2006 + (R2)] 2004 - Routing for failed messages not available 2006 - routing for ...

Windows Communication Foundation

Tired of searching the meaning and specification of all the WCF bindings, hereby a summary of all bindings that are available in a single document... WCF Configuration

New years resolution, revised

After the swift change of employer this year i've decided to revise my new year resolution: - i will blog again - the main language is english (archives remain in dutch) My linked profile is the first online activity that is up te date, after that i will start writing blogs about various subjects in the area of integration and mainly focused on BizTalk. Next month will be a perfect source of inspiration since i will attend the BizTalk 2009 Deep dive, can't wait.

Oracle snippets

Below is a collection of snippets i've used during a project implementation. If you're working with Oracle, you might be able to gain some quick insight how you can use it for the benefit of your project. Grant / permissions GRANT ALL ON TO ; PL/SQL Cursors CURSOR c_orderlines IS SELECT order_pk FROM orders; BEGIN -- !!turn off the notifications!! v_process := 1; v_id := 0; DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('Started @' || sysdate); OPEN c_orderlines; FETCH c_orderlines INTO v_id; WHILE c_orderlines%found LOOP FETCH c_orderlines INTO v_id; END LOOP; CLOSE c_orderlines; END; System tables all_tab_columns This is like the syscolumns/systables in SQL Server all_source This allow searches in all entities that exist Inline SQL DECLARE ..... BEGIN END; Retrieve the name of the package $$PLSQL_UNIT Output DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line Queries Top selection: where rownum