
Showing posts from August, 2010

ESB Toolkit not showing itinerary designer

I recently used a virtual machine that included the BizTalk ESB Toolkit. When i tried to start the machine everything worked fine, so i decided to startup some projects. At the part where i wanted to design an ESB Itinerary i faced the issue that the designer was not showing. At first i suspected that a corrupted registry entry was the cause and was preparing myself for a fresh install untill i noticed something. The visual studio version link that i used was different than another link i had on the system;’ "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" /rootSuffix Exp /RANU As Aaron Marten points out this is related to the new security layer where it should not be required for a visual studio developer to have full access to the machine. In my case this postfix was added due to a earlier installation of the VS.Net CTP or some other not released version. Later on the newe...

Migrating BizTalk 2006R2 to BizTalk 2010

My colleague Rene Brauwers (Wren’s world) faced some issues when converting BizTalk projects created in 2006 R2 to the new BizTalk 2010 version. Please read his post i you are facing this problem as well: Migrating Biztalk 2006r2 solutions to Biztalk 2010

BizTalk Scale-Out Interactive poster

Besides the already well known BizTalk scale out poster and the MSDN documentation regarding scaling out the BizTalk Server Tier i found the interactive version that i can higly recommend! This version provides the user with spoken comments, a transcript and the ability to click on the scale-out scenario of interest providing you with info in a sort of mini-presentation. Going through the entire presentation will take about 10-15 minutes. See: BizTalk interactive scale out-poster     Cheers, Sander

BizTalk workflow vs NinTex workflow tool

A customer recently asked about the interoperability of the Workflow modelling tool NinTex (on top of sharepoint) with other systems like BizTalk. Since i was not familiar with NinTex i downloaded the SDK, some product sheets and the help to find out about the capabilities to interop with other systems. Since workfows can be developed quite easily with NinTex the first customer question was; ‘How can the flows from NinTex be used in developing BizTalk’. NinTex has the ability to export the developed workflow to (unfortenately) an propietary format only. This means that it it not possible to re-use even parts of this workflow in for example visio. " A workflow can be exported and saved in the file format ".nwf" in order to be used in another location. " The second question was related to integrating with NinTex; ‘How can BizTalk provide integration in such a way that the back-...