BizTalk Map test framework
For testing BizTalk solutions the combination of BizUnit and the orchestration profiler are the way to go. Setting it up for a new project can be a hassle, although i appreciate it’s flexibility with the easy of adding custom BizUnit steps. I just came across a new framework that provides some usefull means of testing BizTalk artefacts, namely maps. As you might have noticed the support for testing in BizTalk 2009 / BizTalk 2010 is somewhat limited and it forces you to build your artefacts with additional code for mere testing only (the check ‘Enable Unit Test’ will generate a wrapper around the components such as the TestableMapBase in the example below)….the most you will get out of the standard map testing is a validate instance of your message: Microsoft.BizTalk.TestTools.Mapper.TestableMapBase mapTest = new MapTest.Input2Output(); mapTest.TestMap( @"Input.xml", Microsoft.BizTalk.TestTools.Schema.InputInstance...