
Showing posts from May, 2011

BizTalk ESB Dynamic port – 3 filter properties

This is a quick post for you (and me!) to remember….whenever you want to use the ESB Toolkit and are wondering which filters you need to set to be able to get the send port to send a message…. SET THESE 3 FILTERS: Microsoft.Practices.ESB.Itinerary.Schemas.ServiceName Make sure that the name of this filter matches the Dynamic Send port that you have chosen in you itinerary!! Microsoft.Practices.ESB.Itinerary.Schemas.ServiceState To ensure that the process continues and that the itinerary is continued…set the state to ‘Pending’. The Toolkit will worry on the actual states. Microsoft.Practices.ESB.Itinerary.Schemas.ServiceType Depending on the scenario you can set the ‘ServiceType’ to ‘Messaging’ for a messaging based subscriber or to ‘Orchestration’ for an Orchestration based subscriber. Note: the IsRequestResponse property might be useful for solicit response port.   HTH, Sander   Tags van Technorati: BizTalk , ESB , ESB Toolkit

ESB Portal – powershell error on 64-bit machine

Yesterday I was having an issue when trying to install the ESB management portal. Although I opened the gates security wise I still got PowerShell errors… I could not figure out what the problem was….then my colleague Tomasso Groenendijk asked….”is it a 64-bit machine? Good luck with that!” It was so simple, kuch, (if you would think of it)….configure this for 32-bit AND 64-bit. a) Start PowerShell 32-bit Right click and choose ‘Run as Administrator’) Execute the following command: Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned a) Start PowerShell 64-bit Right click and choose ‘Run as Administrator’) Execute the following command: Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned   Hope this helps someone….   Sander Tags van Technorati: BizTalk , BizTalk ESB , PowerShell

.Net 4.0 is cool

Since I wasn’t doing a lot of .Net development and when I did it was for developing pipeline components, mapper helpers or other stuff the whole .Net language improvements didn’t got my attention. Since I’m doing some adjustments to the BizUnit steps to enable BizTalk testing I was able to use some new .Net features. I’m probably to last to join the club, but from now on my code has this style; // create new entity and assign the instance variable Name the value ‘TestOrch’ var inputTestCase = new TestCase() { Name = "TestOrch" };  

BizTalk 360 – sharing my experience

Tags van Technorati: BizTalk , BizTalk 360 , BTS Today i was notified about an excellent tool to view the stuff you can see in the administration console in a web based silverlight / pimped GUI. Here some quick notes on my first experience as well as some pros- and cons. Installation As described on the documentation you have to perform some steps to get it working. BizTalk 360 is an IIS web application that is installed when you run the setup, additionally it will install a windows service that will monitor your environment. 1) Register and run the setup 2) Configure security a) Application pool user should be a member of BizTalk Server Administrators / IIS_IUSRS / SSO Administrators b) Is mixed authentication is disabled make sure you change the web.config to use integrated security c) Add some grants on the db (suggestion, only do this when you run into problems) GRANT SELECT ON dbo.adm_OtherDatabases TO BTS_ADMIN_USERS GRANT SELECT ON dbo.adm_Server2...

ESB Toolkit 2.1 No itinerary designer

Tags van Technorati: BizTalk , ESB , ESB Toolkit , ESB 2.1 , ESB Toolkit 2.1 , BizTalk ESB The itinerary design seems to be only installed for the user that was fortunate the install the ESB Toolkit. Symptom – when you open an itinerary you do not see the itinerary DSL but only the Xml (might be good news for the old school notepad coding guys) but having that experience always makes me back shiver. When you go to tools / Extension manager You will not see the ESB Itinerary design What’s wrong – The VS.Net extensions are installed in the folder of the user, somehow the ESB Toolkit installer does not install the extension for all users (you can verify this by looking for the EsbExtensions in the following folder: <DRIVE>\Users\<USERNAME>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\10.0\ Solution – Close VS.Net (all instances) and go to: ‘Start\Microsoft BizTalk Server 2010 ESB Toolkit\Install Itinerary designer extension’ Open VS and then the itiner...