
Showing posts from September, 2011

Use ETW to Trace messages inside an orchestration

I've been using the ETW framework heavily and it works great. Before i knew ETW i would use: System.Diagnostics.Trace.Writeline("Message data: " + xmlDoc.OuterXml) which works geat. I wanted to log the data using ETW, however i can not get it to work with ETW, anyone knows what the deal is? CODE xmlDoc = inboundMessage.XmlMessage; Microsoft.BizTalk.CAT.BestPractices.Framework.Instrumentation.TraceManager.WorkflowComponent.TraceInfo( "message data: {0}", xmlDoc.OuterXml ); OUTPUT IN DEBUGVIEW : [11992] [1]1B4C.1638::09/23/2011-17:41:53.583 [Event]: ŽS?S Note: when i use the old scool Trace it works as expected, so it's now the message/encoding BOM etc.

Build notification tray

In my last post I described how to set up a build server for Biztalk well….a build server isn’t completed with a build monitor tool! Installing VS.Net + TFS Client installs a tool out of the box; It provides a clean interface and even allows you to view the details of the build!   If you have the ability to setup a machine with TFS access and a dedicated monitor you can use the BuildMonitor …   Happy building!   Sander

Setting up a build server with the BizTalk Deployment Framework

This chapter describes the steps to a TFS Build Server to set up BizTalk deployment with the following functionality: • Build solution • Perform unit testing Using BizUnit • Create Deployment Packages Using BDTF • Deploy to Server Using R packages created in previous step • Create documentation BizTalkDocumenter For this the following steps are required: • Installation Components (30 min) • Configuring a build account (30 min) • Setting up the build service (30 min) • Scrum template installation (30 min) • Share for the build output directory (10 min) • Adjustments Build Template for use BTDF (30 min) • Design of build definitions (60 min) • Setting BTDF (60 min) • Use BTDF • Build execution / scheduling UPDATE (21-06-2013) - When using sharedassemblies, the following URL is a big help - For viewing the basic instructions a video is available on the following blog http:...