
Showing posts from May, 2012

MSI–Uninstall started from a network share–big nono!

I had this script for a while that I used to install/uninstall a bunch of MSI files prior to do a BizTalk deployment. I though it was working fantastic; for /d %%d in (.) do forfiles /P . /S /M *.msi /C "cmd /c msiexec /x @file /quiet" Unitill….. I did this from a network share…this is not supported, a genius decided to use Windows as the Default path in this case…thus looking in the Windows folder and starts to uninstall all MSI’s that are lying around!!! Never…..never run this from a network share!! HTH, Sander

Pending blog items–Choose!

  As I mentioned…I have a blog backlog…so much to do, so little time…so you can help me out. I have several pending blog items. Hereby the current list and I invite you to help me out in determining the priority, otherwise…it will be me who chooses what’s next . Sorry for the delay in posting….   Kind regards, Sander

ESB Toolkit – BAM Error (TDDS failed to batch execution of streams)

  You have this error? You are using the the ESB Toolkit? You are pulling your hairs out? This post might be your solution Context The ESB Toolkit allows for BAM Logging in a standard ESB Toolkit model. This can be enabled per Itinerary service in the Itinerary Designer: In this scenario you need to deploy the ESB Toolkit BAM definitions that are located in the ESB Toolkit program files directory. Our Cause In our case we had implemented our own BAM Model and didn’t want to use the ESB Toolkit BAM model. So we had carefully disabled tracking everywhere…. After some pain we found at that by default the ESB Send All Exceptions ports REQUIRES that the BAM model is deployed. Solution Once you know the issue, its easy to solve..disable the Tracker! Go to the SendAllException port Disable the Tracker   And the errors are…..not there anymore.   Cheers, Sander

BizTalk mapper 2010 – determine issues with custom functoids

  In case the mapper fails (and only then, these steps will help you out a bit!) when you do Test map, and it seems to be caused by a Custom Functoid that can not be loaded, perform the following steps; You have to call the ‘Debug’ map, this will generate the XSLT and will start the debugging This will give you an error in case there are errors Look in the output window, for the clear and distinct hint (e.g. : NS0 is the namespace causing the problem); Now perform a ‘Validate’ map to get the Extension XSLT; Open the .extxml.xml Look for the specific namespace (NS0): Open the custom functoid and make sure that the classname / SetExternalFunctoin are EXACTLY identical. If this is the case, you can do the following (but you’re problably in the zone….the problem zone) 1) Perform a build on the Functoid library 2) Redeploy the Functoid library 3) Restart visual studio 4) Open the map, Reset the toolbox 5) Verify that the map works LAST RESORT!! 6) Remove t...