BizTalk 2013 - ESB Toolkit – Resubmit keeps getting better

My colleague Tomasso Groenendijk is quite actively working on extending the ESB Toolkit, his latest extension: Orchestration OnRamp is just fantastic, he did not only enabled an Itinerary to be started from anywere (Orchestration, database) but also analysed and proved that with some tweaking the Itinerary can be started in any step. This is awesome, i'm trying it out in a new solution where this would enable to start an itinerary dynamically. This opens up the opportunity to have a 'MasterControl' itinerary and several 'Processing' itineraries, where the 'MasterControl' itinerary kicks of the next itinerary to use ( I’m really happy he is digging into all this and am axious to see what’s next.   Nice job Tomasso! Sander


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