New Azure Portal – Preview
The new Azure Portal (in preview) is really great. Bundles a lot of the functionality that is sometimes hard to retrieve
- Azure Health (e.g. BizTalk Services / Service Bus)
- Billing information
- View your resources (at this moment only Resource Groups / WebSites / Team Projects / SQL Databases / MySQL Databases)
- Notifications (the alert functionality)
- The concept of ‘Journeys’ (preselection filters you’ve implicitly placed so that you can quickly look at the dashboard the way you want)
Some screenshots to show how much more insight this provides…
Azure Health
Billing information
View your resources (at this moment only Resource Groups / WebSites / Team Projects / SQL Databases / MySQL Databases)
Journeys (preselection filters you’ve implicitly placed so that you can quickly look at the dashboard the way you want)
The portal brings a lot of features together that had to be done using different areas, like the billing portal, which only showed a few billing details, where an excel file was the only way to retrieve details, and the Azure health, which was located somewhere else.
So far, a great portal for a preview!
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